Love Poem: Where the Roses Weep
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Written by: Keith O.J. Hunt

Where the Roses Weep

Where the roses weep and flood the beckoned heart,
  where the world is idyll and dark;
  we feel too much to sit still and die forever
  and be no more...
  forgotten even to mythic angels
  who were there while we were alive;

Death can cry alone, he shall not take me with him...
 he shall not shatter my weeping heart ---
 he shall not take me from her;
 for I love her too much
Darkness cannot swallow light with its evil,
 they cannot stop love ---
 bottle it up and send it to some dreary gloom;
 it is eternal energy;
 this life of love
 (where death roams not)

Where the roses weep and flood the beckoned heart,
 where the world is idyll and dark;
 my love for her shall always be....