Where Thou Art Is Where I Want To Be
I’d give away my freedom just for thee
And gladly be thy servant all my life,
For where thou art is where I want to be
In this uncertain world that’s full of strife,
I’d be thy guide through all adversities
And gladly be thy servant all my life.
I lack so many of good qualities:
With such as I am and whate’er my strength
I’d be thy guide through all adversities.
Come take my hand and however the length
This journey takes, I would not flinch but face,
With such as I am and whate’er my strength.
However far or tiresome be the race;
However doubtful the future for us
This journey takes, I would not flinch but face.
If thy heart were a gaol that to live thus,
I’d give away my freedom just for thee;
However doubtful the future for us,
For where thou art is where I want to be.
April 9, 2023
10 syllables per line based on howmanysyllables.com
Rhyme checked with rhymezone.com
Inklings Poetry Contest
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