Love Poem: Where's My Rainbow After My Storm
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Written by: Sandy Schermerhorn

Where's My Rainbow After My Storm

Someone please
Tell me
Where’s my rainbow
Since I’m living this storm
My heart’s full of joy
Yet my heart is also broken and torn
Love can be a wondrous thing
But it can also forever scorn
Falling in love with that someone
For which you have come to adore
You reach for them 
In the middle of the night
Then you realize there not there
They never have and they maybe always out of your sight
Miles keep you separated from each other
Distance that you can’t seem to find a light
You close your eyes
And they are in your arms
Kissing your lips
You can’t resist their charms
This kind of love has to have been sent to you from above
You lay one another down
To make sweet passionate love
You stare deeply into their eyes
Completely lost and hypnotized
Then suddenly it comes as no surprise 
That you’ve again gotten lost in your dream
Life thinks this is just a funny game
Or so it may seem
Will you ever get to hold them?
Will you ever be able to be?
Will you ever look in their eyes?
Will you ever be able to see?
Why can’t something just go easy?
When something this good feels so right to me
Love knows no boundaries
And boundaries can be overcome
But you have to wonder if they really will
And if they don’t then why had this love even begun
I’m daunted, tortured, and tormented all the time
Why does it always feel like 
I’ve done some kind of damn crime
Why can’t love just let us be free?
And break down those walls
Let go of the boundaries
Please someone tell me
As I lay here broken joyous and torn
Where’s my rainbow
All I constantly see is my storm