Wherever You Are Will Be the Whole World To Me
When you smile my life seems brighter
It lifts the borders of my mind making me lighter
When I see the outlines of your face
They take me away to a far off place
I shall follow you from land to sea
Wherever you are will be the whole world to me
You turn to me to show your lovely grin
It sends a shock felt throughout my skin
Love me forever and envelop me with your smirk
With your tender expression that never requires any work
I shall follow you from land to sea
Wherever you are will be the whole world to me
Your simper is a cure for what ails me inside
I shall pursue your laugh forever worldwide
You are clarity when I’m down and confused
My soul is free to roam when your heart is amused
I shall follow you from land to sea
Wherever you are will be the whole world to me