Whisper Beyond Age
What has age to do with love, me to her, i whisper
In her eyes I did see love, longing love, caring love
Little warmth in her blossom, little wanting in heart
Some smiles, laughs and some joys to share
i sit in her shadow, a decades younger yet
in her I find my peace and in her I found my heart
Subtle and robust in emotion, free and care free in love
What has age to do with love, me to her, i whisper
I fell in love, with her bob cut hair and intoxicating eyes
Charming at times, at times captivating my imaginations
A plant of kiss, from her, burned 1000 suns in my body
A touch, embrace from her filled my heart to fullest
Mature she may be, but in heart she is little nymph
Her lovely voice, her stunning smile, angelic ada*
What has age to do with love, me to her, i whisper
Moments have drifted in her warmth, in her blossom
I lost my senses, caressed by her, in her blossom
Gave my whole self in her, felt her wholeness in me
Songs of love together we sang, danced under moonlight
Shared the joy, sorrow, shared the heart, shared the body
Hand in hand, on long drive, long candle lit dinners we sat
When the moments came to depart not in tears we move
For it was the heart, our bonds became one in eternal love
Though our love have separated by vast seas
Even today, when my heart want to possess I
Close my eyes, I see her, I feel her, smell her
Just a call away, in her ears, to her soul,
What has age to do with love, me to her, i whisper