Love Poem: Whispered Cadence
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Written by: Odin Roark

Whispered Cadence

Whispered Cadence
by Odin Roark

Dampness invades graying hair
held tenderly in my right hand
hoping the touch of my left upon her face
might vanquish the invading cold
release the still clinging question

Rising to caress my finger tips
her last breaths evoke memories
so warm
yet so icy in their message

Patience moves my palm upon her forehead
awaiting conveyance
who am I
from where
a life lived so many years without answers

Eyes close on this once young mother
delivering death at birth's first born
suffering loss of voice
loss of sound
shock pleading to heal
months of remorse

Healing rose from an abandonment
adoption of a week old child
embraced by a suffering
but tender surrogate by year's end
a motherless child
her's to raise
her's to love

Guilt takes no prisoners
she exclaimed so many years later
it is not enough to do the right thing
giving merely suspends reality
all the way to one's last breath


Gazing at a still body
I imagine that first day
when her caring eyes
may have delved beyond my vision
conveying kaleidoscopic blur
memories without form
delayed transcendence
for this moment

How precious
this wilted body before me
this woman who became
my light in the dark
whose clothes I will now fold

Bedside light dims
two mothers
one son
spirits together again in darkness
identities at peace
unseen smiles shared
side by side hearts
moving together
in whispered cadence