Whispers In the Dark
As the ship went down beneath the raging sea
The band was heard playing, “Nearer my God to Thee”
As the two slipped below the waves and were gone
The band played on…
Let it never be cried
That his love ever died
It was love for his wife
For which he gave his life
A tale I would tell
I would have you know
Of my journey through hell
You would think me mad though
I thought it so
‘Twas for the sake of love’s light
That gleamed ever bright
On this barren shore
‘Twas this I fought for
And shall fight evermore
For which sins were my soul
Bought, paid for, and sold
To pay a price so high as to have lost
My love and myself for the cost
A well-worn path we all must trod
In search for the meaning, in search of God
We hear the lesson, but do not listen
With our souls and our hearts
For the meaning that’s always been there
God had placed from the start
Could the meaning of life we seek be as simple as this?
To love others, to love God, and to follow your bliss?
But we choose to make it hard thus
We choose not to trust
That we need God
But he doesn’t necessarily need us…
Good people do bad things
That doesn’t make us evil
We fall on our face
Sometimes in disgrace
But we are not bad people
We are God’s children on earth
Faulted and imperfect, and we are so at birth
Up to the very minute we meet God
Each unique and different, and even odd
We must be human and live and let live
And when we do fall we must get up and forgive
And we must allow ourselves to be forgiven
Because that’s what makes life worth living
It’s what helps us to move on
When our actions or thoughts have been bad or wrong
For if we don’t forgive our self
Then we put God up on a shelf
Along with the other books of doubt
That we use for a way out
A way out other than God
So we turn to the familiar, the comfortable
But ultimately the flawed
We make life harder than it should be
Instead of turning it over to God
We could simplify matters by saying, “Lord, please forgive me”
“Allow me to begin again”
“As clean as the morning dew”
“Or freshly fallen snow”
And God will forgive you
That’s all you need to do
Or all you need to know
You won’t find God in books
So there don’t even look
So where should you seek God’s grace?
God is in everyone, everything, and every place
He wants to forgive
So talk to him, give him a chance
He just wants you to live
And to teach you how to dance
So just pray
Give God the chance to say,
“Come hither and know me better”
“Don’t whither under chains or tether”
“For I truly have the key”
“To undo your locks and set you free”
“Of your self-imposed bonds”
“The box you’re in that you have built”
“The one full of fear and guilt”
“And sin that I may wash away”
“And make you as clean as your birthday”
“A day that should be celebrated”
“For it was the day that you I created”
“The day I gave you of me”
“To become a human being”
“The day I set you free in birth”
“To live your life on earth”
“For whatever you make it worth…”
So with my love I slipped beneath the waves
Fully believing that God loves and saves
Those who love Him and believe with all their heart
In God’s plans which we all play a part
As the flame of life burned down to its last spark
I heard God whisper in the dark…
“No more will your spirit need roam”
“It is time for you to come home”