Love Poem: Whispers of Love
Dr. Upma A. Sharma Avatar
Written by: Dr. Upma A. Sharma

Whispers of Love

Neither in a reclusive nor in restricted,
Close to the wind, whispers of love sail,
For want of a dialect with the beloved,
Impatient soul feeds on the holy grail !

His every look deep into my eyes,
Takes my breath, I heave a sigh,
Drumming beats echo heart to heart,
A music subtle yet melts the stars !

I find my soul dook in moonlight ,
Vivid thoughts put up a constant fight,
Create an aura around that enraptures,
Whispers of love go beyond capture !!

Written by Dr. Upma A. Sharma
On 8/4/14
Sponsor- Gail Angel Doyle

Now for contest- your best love poem 
Sponsor- PD
On 22/5/14

Now entered for contest "Your best love poem" by SKAT A