White Flower In the Park
White flower in the park,
Shining like stars in the dark,
Can you give light to everyone?
I know you can do.
Flower dear you’ve nice smell,
Without you earth will become hell,
Can you give fragrance to everyone?
I know, you can do
When I go and stand near you,
I’m filled with a feeling so new,
Can you give this feeling to everyone?
I know, you can do
You give to me your little smile,
And so I also smile,
Can you give this smile to everyone?
I know, you can do
I think with me, you talk,
I feel bad when away from you, I walk,
Can you talk with everyone?
I know, you can do
All these things of yours are very nice,
These can’t be bought so they don’t have a price,
If people want all these things,
Would you give them?