Love Poem: Who Are You
Gerald Dillenbeck Avatar
Written by: Gerald Dillenbeck

Who Are You

In the Work That Reconnects,
we have a dialogue exercise
in which Person A asks Person B
"Who are you?"
several times over a few minutes,
as it feels right to reprime this exploratory pump;
then person B does the same for person A.

The person hosting, facilitating, enabling
this reiterative question's redundant possibilities
is merely an echo-present listener,
noticing diversity within these multiple evolving responses,
without judging good, bad, ugly, or even indifferent,
quietly hearing rhythms of longing for love
between the crippling cracks of anger and fear,
anxiety and chronic climate stress,
compelling and compiling Self without Othering

The question,
Do all these diverse self-descriptions truly fit
this organic mind/body
passion/pleasure elephant?
does not usually arise.

we accept all these scrabbling voices
and hats
and feelings
and ideas
and beliefs
co-occurring within one bilateral
positive-health v. negative-pathology ego/ecosystem,
seeking fullness
polymorphic communication,
positive voice/choice design, 
win/win development, 
co-empathic investment,
and authentic/integral implementation outcomes,
at the end of this elephant's rhetorical day,
if not sooner.

Why is this not always the case
when we ask our friends and families,
our public sector leaders 
and financial sector investors,
"Who do you hope we are becoming?"

What loves are we preparing 
to neurosystemically invest in 
and which past angers and future fears 
to ecosystemically divest of?

What win/win kindness
good humor
positive health indicators can I give
that I already invest in organically regenerate health
local cooperative designs 
with global wealth intentions,
co-engaging therapeutic diapraxis
of which I sing so resonantly with others?

I know you support restoring wealth to our soil
and preserving clean water,
as I do.
So does it bother you,
as it does me,
that we still contaminate our water with poo and pee
instead of investing in nutrition-starved soil,
where both could be healthy resources 
countering past anthro-supremacist neglect 
and monotheistic abuse,
doubly-negative GodMind v EarthBody 
systemic trauma pathology?

We say we support cooperatively vibrant and healthy local economies
and empowering political vitality,
so does it bother you,
as it does me,
to so often hear "eitherMe-orThey" deductive 
0-sum closed degenerating consumptive reductivism
and wonder why not first cooperatively consider 
regenerating productive panentheism?

I appreciate what you just said
and I wonder if adding X might make your/our idea
even better
Do you agree,
or maybe you see concerns for yourself and others
new to me,
of which we might learn together?

Could a cooperative bipartisan election, 
a  civil peace campaign
begin with compiling interdependent hopes and wishes
and loves of Who Are We?
thereby more smoothly avoiding stuckness-traps
of future mind fear 
and past body anger, 
dissonant pathological win/lose intentions
degenerating into lose/lose despairing outcomes.

Could investing both-and cooperative 
kindness communication norms
better lead toward co-investing in healthy wealth,
politically strong-embraced 
liberating talk/conservation walk policies,
procedural and dialogical transparency,
polyculturally inclusive design and development and discernment
of poli-eco-logical therapy
v. anthro-morphic pathology

Co-arising patriotic matriarchal
Sun-enlightened republican songs 
through Earth-empowering democratic dances 
trauma-informing crown/root 
Me-health/We-wealth outgoing networks

Ego/eco-normative Who Are We diapraxis,
embracing each and every sacred Person X and Y response
to Who Am I?