Love Poem: Who Is This Person Called Granny
Ralph Taylor Avatar
Written by: Ralph Taylor

Who Is This Person Called Granny

Hi there little child welcome to this life.
Its time for me to warn you about your Grandpas wife!
Most kids have two Granny's, other kids have none.
I can't speak for both of yours but I sure can speak of one!

Since you haven't been here all that long I'd better clue you in
on certain things that you should know so why don't I begin.

Granny is a special breed she thinks she knows it all!
But if you play your cards just right she'll be at your beck and call!

She is such a pussy-cat you really have been blessed
she's probably not the greatest one but she ranks among the best.

As you travel down the road of life, this you'll learn through time
she's always going to love you and that's the bottom line!

If you respect her as you should - the rewards will be untold
you'll find the love you give to her is returned one hundred fold!

If you're wondering how I know her - why I love her like no other
the answer's very simple -  the lady is my Mother!