Love Poem: Who Told You

Who Told You

Who told you...
Your black...
Isn’t beautiful?
That your broad nose,
Wasn’t descended 
From Kings & Queens.
That it didn’t speak 
of Royalty?
That the onyx of your brow,
And the copper, bronze, topaz, 
And the black diamond, 
That is your skin,
Is not as or more valuable 
as their pearl or lily white?
Who told you,
That the way that your hair
Stands or lays
Should not be the standard 
From which “good” is
That it should be chemically
Altered, instead of
Naturally treasured...
That the fullness of your lips
Should be censured,
Until wanted and permitted,
By them...
Who told you,
That your role in life,
Shouldn’t be planned 
And designed,
But not banned,
By your own hand...?
Who told you, 
That you had to 
pull your brother or sister
So that you could 
Climb out of 
The barrel...  
that was not created 
By us, but for us?
And.... who told you,
That you couldn’t be loved?
Love you.