Love Poem: Why
Martin  Engelbrecht Avatar
Written by: Martin Engelbrecht


Well why is the question
And why is the answer
Well Love is real
Well love is a countermeasure

When life brings you down
Then love brings you up
Well when love drops you
Then love has a lot more forms than just that one love

Its all around
Dont you remember when you where small
And your mother came to pick you up ?
You ran to her and gave her a hug and told her that She 
means the world to you

When you where little you and your dad used to sit watching 
Wrestling, and as soon as it ended
You started to wrestle yourselves

And that is why I say Love is unconditional
You never know when you have it
You always think you have it for the first time
Where you have always had it

Well why is the question
Well why is the answer
Well love is real
Well Love is a countermeasure

Love is real Love is forever Love can save you Or love can break you apart But remember. Allways remember. Love is all Around.