Why Do I Love You
Why do I love you?
I let my heart guide me.
Your existence is all the hope I need.
I feel your love and your pain,
In the pathways of your heart.
I see your intimacy and romance,
Knowing I am Just merely a participant.
I treasure the way you make me feel.
Why do I love you?
I hear every beat of your heart and,
See you in our highway of life,
With visons of the future.
Why do I love you?
We are connected by a prophecy of love,
Although distance has no bounds,
Nonetheless our love is endless.
Ships pass but once in a lifetime,
So privileged you could make this trip,
With me cause I would have,
It no other way.
I don't call it luck as others,
Before us have done.
I truly believe it was destined to be,
For fate for us to meet,
To fall in love and continue our,
Journey in life with each other,
As soulmates like I truthfully
And faithfully believe.