Why Do We Take Christ Out of Christmas
Why Do We Take Christ Out of Christmas?
Christmas is the only holiday we often don’t call by name.
We often forget about the true reason that Christ came.
It’s the only holiday that we often call “a holiday.”
It’s true meaning, is often, taken away!
It’s more than the tree and all of the glittering lights…
It’s time to think about the Bethlehem star so bright!
It’s more than going shopping at the malls…
More than, “Jingle Bells,” or “Deck the Halls!”
It’s more than seeing how many people we can buy for.
Or that clearance sale,
you’re willing “to die for!”
It’s more than buying the “newest in entertainment.”
Or receiving a gift that may
“cause an embarrassment.”
Beyond all of the presents and all we truly believe in.
Let’s all come to Christ Jesus and receive him!
Let’s think about his birth, and his
death on the cross!
Without HIM… The true meaning of Christmas is lost!
He brings the hope, joy and cheer that’s needed!
Won’t you listen to his voice? That often goes unheeded?
Christ is what’s important! And shouldn’t be left out!
He’s what matters! And is what
Christmas is all about!
Let’s be joyful! It was for all of us that he came!
And take this time to bring honor and glory to his name!
By Jim Pemberton