Love Poem: Why Don'T You Care
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Written by: Bernadine Isaac

Why Don'T You Care

Why Don'T You Care

Why dont you care the way I feel,
Most time oh yeah! my world stood still.
Why don't you care the way I look,
is It because the steps I took? why dont you care! 
are you here? but not really there!
The love I give is true and rear,
The one you give is so unfear.
Why !or mabey you just dont care.
Why dont you care the times I cry,
Is it because the fear of lost?
Or is it my hopes have lost.
Why do I feel so alone, lost and insane?
Why does my heart bears so much pain.
Why don't you care who catch the rain,
And watch the birds on my window pane.
Why don't you care to sing a tune 
The only song my ears may learn.
Why don't you care to see me smile,
A kiss goodnight can go a mile.
It's fair to say no one knows why,
Only time will tell as days pass by.

Bernadine Isaac