Why God Needs Us
Some people claim that our God doesn’t need us
Mighty and great that He is
He could dispense with the trouble to feed us
He doesn’t get us, gee whiz
Man is a notion of love and devotion
Fathered by God on a whim
He is the wheel that set us in motion
Though our prognosis is grim
People forget that a family with children
Multiplies joy by their love
Parents are happy to help us, until then
Pray to your father above
We love the people we serve, is the saying
Sharing what many have said
But we are serving to love, and displaying
All the ways loving is spread
This is the reason that our parents need us
We need each other to live
Life is much more than somebody to breed us
Love is the strength to forgive
God really needs us for loving each other
And for the love, He needs too
Even our Father and Heavenly Mother
Just aren't the same without you.