Why I Love You So Much
Love. The feeling you give to me. Forever. The time I want us to be together. Sometimes i wonder; why do i love you? But that moment i look into your eyes, reread our text mssgs, & smile when i receive a new one. . it all comes back to me; i love you because i can call you my own.. i don't have to necessarily prove you're mine.. Anytime i need you, its like Ken Nugget, one call ; thats all.. You're there. The late night Convo's, the goodmorning texts, things i've always wanted with the right person. . the reminder that you love me everynight.. its all apart of why i love you.. i love you because i trust you.. you don't rush things, & you support my every move. I love you because you came into my life at the right time.. that moment i was gonna give up on love was the same moment you walked into my life & showed me "All niggaas ainn the samee.." now i see its real.. "Youu ainn niggass, you u Samadis.." these are all reason why i love youu..(: