Why Not Give God a Chance
Why Not Give God A Chance?
As sin and corruption often
become integrated…
So many lives and families
are being “disintegrated.”
Many are being driven
by sin’s temptation force…
It’s no wonder many homes
end up in divorce.
The morality and values that
once made a great nation.
Are now absent. Leading to a
“spiritual separation.”
Love, honor, and respect…
Are a “thing of the past.”
Anything of God seems to be
disappearing FAST!
God is our only hope!
And him alone!
Only he can bring healing
to the broken home.
He’s the answer to the heart that bleeds!
It’s only him that can
meet all of our needs!
He’s our provider…
The great: “I am that I am!”
Won’t you reach out to him?
And give him your hand?
Why not give him a chance?
And allow him in?
A brand new life for you…
Is waiting to begin!
Allow his peace and love to reach
down into your heart…
Asking; “Lord please help me!”
Is a good place to start!
By Jim Pemberton