Why Not Trust Jesus
Perhaps things in life have
taken the “wrong turn.”
Life is passing you by…
And you’re not concerned?
Things that were important,
aren’t important anymore.
Life just seems to be like one big “revolving door.”…
Your love for people close to you, seems to be gone.
Almost everything you do,
seems to turn out wrong.
Your life seems to be like a ship
that’s lost at sea/
You wonder; “why lord, has this
been happening to me?”
Jesus loves you very much!
And he understands!
He’\s waiting to pick you up,
with his outstretched hand!
He’ll replace your loneliness
with a satisfying love!
And put your life back together,
fashioned from above!
His perfect love will give you hope
and a peace of mind!
Why not trust him now? NOW is the time!
By Jim Pemberton