Love Poem: Why Ohh Why I Ask You

Why Ohh Why I Ask You

Why are we all so different

Why do we not learn from our mistakes

Why on earth do he hate

Why do we idoly sit bye and watch
others suffer

Why don't we change our ways

Choose to right our wrongs

And are we any better than or best
placed them to be put in charge

Are we any better or any other species
on this planet 


I ask 

Because there is one very important
significant reason I ask

As aren't we supposed to be the most
intelligent species alive today

We communicate through language
have apposing thumbs

And most and crucial of all have
brains and the ability to think

Which makes us we human beings the
most intelligent creatures and species
of all

So why don't or can't we simply get along

And put them to better use like joining
not dividing

And make the world a better place for all
humanity to live

Wouldn't that make far more sense

And actually be intelligent rather than
just simply leading us into a false
sense of security and entitlement

Believing that we are all smart as we think

Something an actually cause worthy of
fighting for 

On behalf of every single living human
being still alive today 

And also for our children sake who
once we die will take over in our place