Why This To Me?
Thousands of bunny jumps upon
Me, because of you my life just had
Become very funny; a small rose bud
Bloomed once in my heart, later it
Became a huge garden-because
Of you! You are the priest who had
Given me the meaning of life, you
Are the witch who ruined my life
Entirely! You are the one ,who showed
The illusion of heaven, and threw me
Lively in hell! You just cursed my life,
And you made to welcome the death!
You just made me a waste dustbin, still
I dint even get any rubbish from you!
With your name letter’s, I ‘ve built a
Palace in my heart, still you aren’t free
To open it? A word from your mouth
Is equal to thirukural,which is in south
You have all the quality my beauty;
Do I have any quality?……………