Wicked Deception
Face warmed by the sun
I sit here patiently waiting for you.
I gaze across the pond
that my search for love is few
or stops with you.
My eyes fixate towards the cloudless blue sky
wondering if you will even come to meet me in
our coveted place.
You sauntered along a stony path
Hurried pace with arms outstretched
Reached for me as I clung to your chest.
A promise you whispered in my ear
as you caressed my thighs
kissed my lips
touching so gently
my skin with your fingertips.
We looked eye to eye
as you painted a picture of sweet lies of
our future and things to come.
We held hands as I said goodnight
And I dream of our new life well spun but
You watched me leave as I said my adieus.
You walked into the luminous moonlight
strolled out of my life
Into the arms of your very pregnant wife.