Love Poem: Wild Swimmers

Wild Swimmers

We are all true wild swimmers 
You swim everyday and dive through the waves,
Look great in a swimsuit and your hairdo behaves. 
You have all the gear and it coordinates, you always seem glam on the beach with your Mates. 
You swim out for miles and have perfect front crawl, there for every swim winter, summer or fall. 

You swim when you can and not always on time, work, life and family come Before the brine. 
You arrive in your pjs, your hair isn’t brushed, forgotten a glove or a hat ‘cos you’re rushed. 
You swim and you glide for as long as you can, distance no issue, there’s no goal or plan. 

These are real people, a spectrum of swimmers, we all have our lives and we are all winners. 
It does not matter how often you go, where or with whom and how far and how slow. 

A wild swimmer lives in your heart not your Strava, for some of us just getting up’s a palaver. 
Compete if you want, in a competition, wild
Swimming happens without a permission. 
You swim for the reasons that YOU want to
swim, the buzz that you get that makes your heart sing. 
For some it’s all chatting, a laugh and a joke, for others it’s for quiet time, meditating each stroke. 
By all means record swim times, distance and pace, but no everyone wants that, it’s not always a race. 
Swim your own swim, it’s a time just for you, don’t judge other people by what you would
Be kind and be honest, not false, fake or smug, remember not everyone wants a big hug. 
Friends are so special, true friends rarer still, be friends with who You want, the others mean no ill. 
We can’t gel with everyone, it’s not how it works, but be kind and be gentle, no big fireworks.
A wild swimmer lives the life that they live, it’s different from her’s and it’s different from his,
We all look so different, we think, say and do, 
These are unique to me and to you. 
So don’t look at a swimmer who comes back when it’s warmer, just because you are a winter performer. 
We don’t know what happens inside peoples’ lives, some flourish and blossom others barely survive. 
A human in water is where we come from, in a sac in our mother, it’s where we belong. 
Forget matching towels and goggles and such, it’s the love of the water, that’s what means so much. 
We don’t need equipment to be in the water, it’s where we come from as a son or a daughter. 
It’s not ‘likes’ or ‘followers’ that make us complete, it’s the nature around us and the people we meet. 

We are put on this Earth for a very short time, and not many of us are still in our prime. 
But that doesn’t matter, you will find your own place, we are all in this thing called the human race.