Will You Ever Know?
Will you ever know how much love I have for you? Will you ever know that you have a good
woman who's honest and true? Will you ever know that true love is right in front of you?
When and if you realize, will you be able to say the same thing about you? There are alot of
things that you are choosing not to see, one day it may be too late and we will never get the
chance to be. I hope that you see that I will never tell you any lies, I will always be here
until the day that you close your eyes. You are my world, my heart, an my soul, without you
in my life, it would not be whole. Being with me, you have nothing to lose, but so very much
to gain, just know that my love is not a joke, and I'm not playing games. I would not say
these things if they were not so, the passion that I feel for you, will you ever know?*