Will You Marry Me
A whirlwind romance, so many feelings…
Dancing around my heart, so thrilling.
I said “I love you” first and felt a little vulnerable…
Finally, he said it too and I felt incredible.
We held hands every night, kissed and whispered…
All about our thoughts and passions, ideas and inspirations.
I began to feel a part of me was missing without him….
And he said he felt the same way I did, fully content with me.
A million words later, past the first of the “I love you’s”….
We began to bring up the bigger questions, the kids and houses.
I told him I would be happy with three and he said one would do…
But slowly we decided on two, the perfect number for a family.
We became so close it felt like I was undressed in his sight…
Even when I was fully clothed and closing in on a fight.
The mutual trust, the bond, the feelings that corresponded…
All a part of the relationship we had grown into something special.
He said, though, that he was sure he didn’t want to marry…
I felt a little like the first girl who had ever been told this detail.
Two months into the relationship, though, he got down on his knee…
Gave me a hopeful look and spoke the words I’d been hoping to hear.
Will you marry me? He said it with a smile into my eyes.
I looked back and responded quickly,… “yes” …
This would be the beginning of a long and lasting love…
A true joy, hope and faithful love that had been sent from above.
Will You Marry Me? - Poetry Contest
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