Wind For My Daughter
Wind, speak to me as you blow
From childhood I have marveled your flow
Singing with the leaves to make the trees dance.
You have caressed my cheeks
Made whispers on my lips
Now that I am grown.
I have seen you carry birds to the sky
Where there they dance when they fly
Bringing words to my mind and lips.
You have blown calm
In my heart made charm
Reminding me that life can be cool sometimes.
Wind, in you I met my first love
Where I sung songs like a dove
Her to please and impress.
The many little secrets you hold
Of promises I made and was told
Today she is my wife and partner..
I stand in your breeze today
My little daughter with me watching your ways
As you travel to and fro.
I hand over her to you
With her innocence where life is new
To watch over her days as she grows.