“The higher we soar the smaller we appear to those who cannot fly.” ~ Friedrich Nietzsche
If you ask me, I’ll tell you what I would do
If I had a pair of wings, high into the sky I would soar
Far into a land of peace and love, I would fly
far away, away from war, hatred, and discord.
Where men breathe the names of the Lord
Where youth is not wasted in vain pursuit
With love, where man fulfills all his needs
Where man adheres to the ideals of peace
Where the idea of hatred is despised
Where man strives for the goodwill of all
Where virtue pleases one’s soul
Where men work with earnest zeal
to attain their honest goal;
But the Lord above, it seems, is unkind to me
“O man”, says He, “there are no wings for thee!”
~Contest: Writing challenge 'W' words
~Sponsor: Constance La France