Wings, Bells, and a Solid Foundation
in my arms smiling
imaginations take a rest
vacationing are the complicated machines of the brainstorm
rubbing the most amazing ass
feeling you breathe and your heart beating gently
admiring your new look
short hair actually does look good on you
the song from total says it all
'kissing you is all that i been thinking of'
peace, quiet, and contentment never merged as wonderfully as in this very moment
to think, you were the popular girl and i was the bullied one full of acne
i am so glad that God is The Real One In Control
my tears bring forth your tears
we are in our element and in our truth
happiness exists most definitively in the perfect warmth of your love
we finally kiss.......
ohhhhhhh howwwww weeeeeeee kissssssssss.......
life and time is omitted like adequately timed permanence