Wings of Love
Cover me under your wings of love, so warm and comfortable
you make me feel honorable;
Oh my sweet love you took me inside from the cold outside
and you showed to me the warmth of your tender loving care
and to you i always want to be near.
Under your wings of love i feel very secure without any fear
because you showed me how much you care.
Take me because i am yours to have and to hold, let your wings
of love be my sheet while we make love beneath with pleasure
so sweet.
Following you to your world of ecstasy where there is a lovers nest
and your wonderful wings of love are the warmest;
Wings so adorable and lovable you openly capture me admirable you
are desirable.
You took me for better and you took me for worst and you showed
me that in everything you do you always put love first.
Wings seems so small but yet so strong, convinced me yes with you
i belong and because of your wings of love i am now a new man.
I now understand love have no size even though some will want to
think otherwise; you help me to see that love have no age and love
have no color because in under your wings of love i am the student
and you are my teacher and i am a lovable learner.