Winter Fair
The sun shines in like honey
across a sugarplum lane
laden with icicles dripping slow
or freezing fast suspended un-dripped
where the water flows not
or does at the whim
of the sun, wind, and clouds
these days cannot last
but indeed it seems they do
yet the cold lays out a path
in which spring will soon walk
making happy the moments
born of sweet desire to be warm
in ways that only winter's child can know
so we find in that momentary sorry
the seed of tomorrow's joy
and as our toes freeze tonight
we take pleasure in knowing
some warmer pasture will bloom
when we can appreciate our life
that is how it feels to be
in the grip of love or loss
and in that grip we know
the pendulum will swing again
and that alone gives us some cadence
to appreciate the moment for itself
full and graced in every way
if only we can look through
beyond the mirror of our constraint
and see the pretty day rising
as it always does