Winter Ruins
Bask in fervor lasted indeed
Lingered enough to corrupt the seed
Selfish, greedy, paid no heed
Piqued and wounded took new lead
Tender caress abandoned gifted
Of flowing afflictions, life sifted
Earth defiant, all essence lifted
Bloom to plunder, cycle drifted
Looming shadows withered
Life abandoned asunder tresses
Came the worst of nature's dresses
My bearings wander unworthy
The warmth of you when left
The light of you when shifted place
Adieu, with you, all glow, all trace
The leafless tree now bears no grace
Hope of return, I thrive upon
Keeps me moving, though you are
Winter Ruins, my jewels in pawn
I seek salvation at a distant dawn
(I was inspired to write in this style
by the numerous sensational works
of my dear friend, Elizabeth Wesley
- I know mine doesn't even come