Wishing Well Emotions
Wishing well of dreams
You Illuminate colours
Whom Impacted the heart and Soul
Regardless of the outcome
My little Orchid
With your velvet frilled lips
Touching soft petals
Fresh kissing air your beautiful scent
Rippling Inside a hair breath
Warmly whispering with the ghosts
Completely lost In Love
Hurry because the cave man
Will awaken from his cold winter sleep
As the frozen tears of sadness drift across oceans
Indian ocean of dreams regrets
In colours of dripping tears
Memories come to haunt heart and Soul
Let come what may my mermaid beauty
My Love maid of the moon weeping silver tears
In beauty's moon before Taj Mahal
In sorrow a mermaid tear stained face
Long dark waterfall a shaking comb runs through
My heart breaks at sight of tears In beauty's eyes
My Indian Madonna weep not enough my tears be shed
An Indian Orchid In heart of Soul's anguish
A siren song forever sings sorrow's heart
My sorrow runs forever to you a river wide
Your mermaid heart feels the song of my storm laden Soul
My heart now lost within a wishing well of dreams
A Collaboration by Liam Mcdaid & Michael Clarke.