We both found tenners
at our own happy diversions-
mine on a jog, she
with her boyfriend walking.
She waves passing
in her yellow mini
the very moment she’s crossing
my mind. Another jog
in this *** little town we both
happily make do with.
I’m thinking
she could be my love,
(we think it fun pretending)
or just habitual friends,
both bearing love
for the labyrinthine.
Because she speaks
to the moon like I do, palms up
to dark-embedded lightness,
doors to any rabbit holes
we can find. The kind
who relish mysteries
of all sorts. And dancing
is to us more stimulating
when it strikes the viewer
as strange, like doing it
while jogging.
Our voices in union speak
as if magic or simulation,
together released from needs
to decode all the curious messages
about releasing.