Love Poem: With All His Love - Acrophora

With All His Love - Acrophora

~With All His Love~ 

L o ve and care with all of your heart and soul 
O on everything always seek God 
V alue all you possess and have a goal 
E xtend His love to all like a white dove 

L ight a candle for others on their way 
O n and on just pray everyday 
V anish from soul all your fears and worries 
E arth shall bow one day to His perfect grace 

E arth shall bow one day to His perfect grace 
V anish from sould all your fears and worries 
O n and on just pray everyday 
L ight a candle for others on their way 

E xtend His love to all like a white dove 
V alue all you possess and have a goal 
O n everything always seek God 
L ove and care with all your heart and soul. 

Dorian Petersen Potter 
aka ladydp2000 
