With Ease
I seek not riches nor wealth that brings woe,
but a warm love so endearing and true-
O, I tried so hard to let your love go,
yet, my sweet, I shall never forget you.
For when we met we shared a love anew…
and since that Autumn day our romance grew.
Sit in silence with me and envelope
my arms with depths no sea can ever reach-
When life bestows pain and you feel no hope,
may you feel comfort from my praising speech.
For we surface the shore along the beach…
and in our lifetime our passion shan’t breach.
I need you in the sun, beneath stardust.
May they shower us in soft brilliant shine-
We share a rare bond filled with honest trust,
and I’ve never been more grateful you’re mine.
For we are patterns of God’s sewn design…
filled with kindness from two true hearts divine.
For we shall never cease our affection...
bestowing a heartwarming connection.
Checked PS grammar checker
Checked rhymezone.com for rhymes
Date: March 29, 2019
Contest: Urban Sonnet Poetry Contest
Sponsor: Emile Pinet