With Forever
Ethereal your glow,
With forever, I will love you,
Ethereal your glow,
With forever, you will love me,
forever we will love one another,
So blushed by your beauty,
And sweet charm,
In a trance,
I sigh and dance,
In stillness,
With the deep love,
In my soul,
For you,
Lovely lady,
Your beauty,
Is giving its love,
From the sweetness,
Inside you,
Youre giving its love
Youre giving its love,
And I hymn to you ever flowers,
Ethereal your glow,
Ethereal your glow,
My lovely lady,
Your beauty,
Is giving,
Its sweet love,
Its sweet love,
Never want to let,
Never want to let,
My love for you go,
Never want to let my forever love,
For you go,
Ethereal your Beauty,
Within and without,
Ethereal your glow,
Lovely lady,
Never going to let,
Never going to let,
Our love go,
I with forever,
I with forever,
Will love you,
I with forever,
Will love you
Reynaldo Casison