With My Face In My Hands...
With my face in my hands, I fear the worse
My reaction to what may come, in my mind I rehearse
It will require great courage, for what I am about to perform
Hopefully you will understand, somehow we must conform
It seems as if with the changing of life, this road I must also pursue
All the schemes you’ve produced, all the times you’ve been untrue
I think I may have made a wrong turn, down this road of life
Sealing my mouth shut, just to avoid relationship strife
Although not completely disappointed, I envisioned a bit more
Blindly overlooking reason, because it was you I had come to adore
I’ve falling face first, into a rather large river of denial
Can’t say I will be walking away, with anything worthwhile
Many times I spoke aloud, pleading for you to hear me out
I now see I must begin where I was before you, without
So with my face in my hands, contemplating my decision
Nervous how you will take this, your reaction I try to envision
Perhaps this is also what you want, perhaps your reason for pushing me away
This brings new hope to my decision, I feel an urge to lift my head, and I obey
The time is near, we’ve made a date
I cannot let my emotions, cause me to hesitate
I know I am about to make the right decision
I cannot change my life, but I can propose a revision