With Somebody As Kind As You
Why am I being too impatient,
wishing to have again what
can make me feel that something?
Why do I have to put away
all that I cherished,so dearly,
about you and your way of giving?
You should have been:
my only idol,the only face
to appear in these night dreams;
someone who made
all these dull moments bright
and allowed me to fly without wings;
because no other heart
loved me more than yours,
because no other eyes
smiled at me more than yours!
With somebody as kind as you
to give everything to, I refuse
to believe in someone else;
and I will gladly wait
than throw everything to the wind!
With somebody as kind as you,
there's a better reason
to live life in delightful days!
You should have been my only light
to chase away this cold darkness;
I have waited...shivering in thick shadows,
hoping to feel your warm fire...
to rekindle my lost desire!
I have searched and found the dim moonlight:
giving me no warmth,no hope...
offering me no words to speak
with somebody as kind as you;
only the sad smile of the unfriendly moon....