With Which I Cry Myself To Sleep At Night
What, a child? Whose?
My child? My child?
Oh, a sweet voice it is,
Hers—mine and yours.
But—no, where is she?
I cannot see, where is she?
Please, can you not hear
My screaming thoughts?
I cannot speak, where is she?
What is it she?
No, but someone older,
Someone mature.
How your voice is as honey,
And your scent! As morning dew
Upon delicate blades of grass.
What, yes, I listen.
I am listening!
Speak louder, I try to hear!
No, do not leave!
I must know you!
I do know you!
What, a child? Whose?
My child? My child?
Oh, so soft, so pretty,
Your voice, my dear,
As the gentle elder of before.
May I feel your soft hands?
Please, may I?
But I cannot move,
May I touch her?
Where is she?
Is she there?
I hear, where is she?
No, but why does she cry?
Why shed tears?
May I wipe them,
Please, may I wipe them?
I sleep, I wake, but sightless I am.
I sleep, I wake, but motionless I am.
Know that I am listening!
Know that I hear cries!
Know that I have a love!
What, what?
What, a child? Whose?
My child? My child?
Who is Madelyn?
My child? My child...?
Oh, but you are the honeyed voice,
Whom I have an affection for,
And your whispers greatly comfort.
No, but your voice is marred
And incoherent.
Why do you cry?
Indeed, I hear your words.
Please, do not cry.
Please. Keep speaking.
Your words are soothing to me.
No! Do not leave!
What, a child? My child?
Whose child?
Her sweet voice cries,
She is distraught,
And the lovely elder's as well.
What? You are mine?
And I am yours?
Yes, yes! I am yours,
And you are mine!
You are love, sweet, sweet love,
And happiness, and joy,
But do not cry!
Please, let me wipe your tears,
Shed them no more.
Your sadness makes me
Want to cry with you,
But I cannot summon tears,
And I cannot take yours away.
What, a child? Whose?
My child? My child?
May I see her? May I touch her?
May I feel the warm embrace
Of the older voice?
May I see them?
May I cry with them?
May I have them?
Can they be mine?
May I share my love?
May I see my child?
Please, may I see my child?