With You I Do Wed
A girl dressed in white
With satin, lace, and diamonds
Greets her man by the alter
Etched vows in her heart
Rose-colored lips, saying I do
Love of her life, style black
Silver shirt, tucks, and tie
Longs her beauty by his side
Vows sketched in his heart
Parting-lips, saying I do
Garden of Eden, Adam, and Eve
First nuptials, God performed
Bone of my bone
Flesh of my flesh
At first sight, love collide
Mother and father, he depart
A new bride, he will bond
Become one flesh, the befall
Rings of love, powers invest
Passionate kiss, husband, and wife
Cheers of joy, hugs and kisses
Band playing, family, and friends
Cake, dancing, fun, and games
Party is over couple is gone
Honeymoon, marriage delight