With Your Compassion, My God
Dear God, I thank You for Your compassion for my soul
That made me understand Your work in my Christian role
Teach me to give my best along kindness’ pole
By Your grace, upholding my divine stewardship goal.
With Your compassion in my life, being spiritually refined
I seek You first and abide in Your will wherein I’m truly inclined
Enable me to fulfill well the tasks that to me You’ve assigned
Along Your plan which for me You exclusively designed.
Compassion, You exemplified, Lord, is my earnest desire
To care for others who are in hopelessness-mire
Help me reach-out with faith's cheerfulness You require
Through Your mercies that do not retire and expire.
Keep Your compassion burning in my servant’s heart
As I do my orphanage duties daily with zest and zeal’s start
Taking care of special children, securing them from negligence-dart
Letting them feel Your love that can never depart.
*1John 3:17 But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?
June 4, 2019
4th place, "COMPASSION" Poetry Contest
Sponsored by Line Gauthier; judged on 6/12/2019.