Within the Sanctuary of My Loving Arms
Let the warmth of my warm
Tender loving arms
Sooth your cares away
To make you feel special
Needed Loved
Let me give an ear
for the things you want to say
A safe sanctuary
In which time stands still
and you can hide away.
The warm waves of my love
Flow like a caressing tranquil sea
Let me express my deep emotion
Without word
and lose ourselves
In our world
No one else knows
Can travel too
Or be.
And as our hearts bloom
and flourish with so much joy
Like the smiling sun
Love is the greatest victory
When two hearts and minds
Are one.
Tell me the story of the sweetest love
That I see deep within your dreamy eyes
And no matter if I look at them a million times
still they always take me by surprise.
The wondrous vivid colours that I see
Awaken something beyond words
deep within inside me
That sometimes makes me cry
With joy and thanksgiving
Because the biggest surprise
That I can see
That blows my mind
Is that you love a man like me.
Peter Dome.copyright.2014. march.