Without Jesus What's the Purpose
I've poured over books of science
Studied hard the ancient arts
Even spoke with bearded Guru's
On the peak of mountain tops
Taken classes from learned professors
At top notch universities
But if Jesus isn't brought up
What good are they to me
I've rubbed elbows with Hollywood Stars
As they've rehearsed their lines
Had discussions with dignitaries
With Presidents I've wined and dined
I have watched the worlds top athletes
Some of whom I'm their biggest fan
But if Jesus isn't in the process
It doesn't make any sense
I've seen a man walk on the moon
Plant a flag beneath the stars
Heard men give the greatest speeches
Watched men drive the fastest cars
You could say I've about done it all
And in that you would be right
But without Jesus in the mix
There's not much good to life