Without You
I have waited
For more than a decade
To know of who the skies
Would choose as my partner
In this world
I have waited
With the patience
Of one so totally enamored
With the idea of you,
Having fallen from your altar
Up there in the skies
To save me, through your love,
From the murkiness of this world!
Having finally come across you,
I have no words to describe
The soothe and the relief that
Kept somersaulting in me
Lighting up summer days
And painting cozy nights
In my whole essence!
Yet, when you pushed me out
Of the gates of your garden
Making me understand
That I would have to live in this world
Without you,
It felt like the mirrors which were built
Around my heart, for the sake of
Keeping it safe
Cracked and broke into millions of pieces,
While turning into a typhoon
Which pushed itself into me
Hurting me and having me bleed
From my eyes!
As I walk on the paths of Earth,
Aware that I will not have your hand to hold,
I wonder at when the hurt pressing upon my heart
Will disappear
I wonder if I shall ever be able to enjoy
The sight of beautiful and old trees,
Or even listen to a love song without crying!
This world, without you,
Has become my hell,
Meant to impose its load of sufferings upon me
And having me yearn, at all times
For a release!
Without you,
I am no beautiful light that shines
Without you,
I am no agonising poet
Without you,
I become a wilted plant, ready to
Die at any moment!
And however much the soul of Earth
Shall beg me to find some strength
To love it rather than you
I shall never be able to
As, ever since the beginnings
Of creation, I have been shaped out
To suit you!
Without you,
Let alone the world,
The whole cosmos will not
Seem attractive to me
And I shall reject everything offered to me
With venomous spite spat from my very core!
Without you,
I shall cease to exist!