Love Poem: Woe-Man
Oluseyi Akinbami Avatar
Written by: Oluseyi Akinbami


Halt, halt,

Give Lust your hands, but NOT your hearts,

For when they hover around you,

You are an imminent carcass,

Loitering and flapping with the disposition of a butterfly and grasshopper combined.

The sight of her should trigger alarum bell in every wise man,

They waste your time,

They waste your money,

Sup your energy and

get you into trouble.

Like a bubonic plague,

Spreading devastating virus,

As a butterfly, pollinating;

With the juice supped,

They flutter away

Seeking other juicy flowers in the circle of moral doom.

Refrain  from the  hype of chauvinistic egotism when lust ignites,  

For another trial may certify your demise,

No wonder, they are called Women

For many are the woes of most men