Wolfman Falls In Love
The moon glistened with pride
Burning thru a blackened sky
The world oblivious to his stride
Upright, all fours, n back
Panting n snorting like distorted dogs in a hunt ahead the pack
The light flickering thru the trees
Closing in like an enviable attack til claws greet a trunk with a razor like clasp
The window show no mercy
Showing the night the extent in inches from head to everything
Eyes forward like a predator planning
Claws tightly grasping the trunk, scratching
Her body was flawless
Something like a goddess
Eyes slashing thru the dead night, watching ominously certain
Fur rising to a ward off stance while hiding
Thinking about today in the square when they both were hands clasped together feelings arising
Heart then then fluttering with joy but now
Pounding from grief
The beast n man mixture cease to look upon his beauty
His shaggy mittens with embedded talons
Snatched away what hands could do for he
Fangs protruding
Anger polluted his head
Grief thru his veins like the wolf gene that now shows that the beast is outta seclusion
Giant rhythms of a beating, breaking heart still moving
His vision taunts him with sights
While senses r heightened n smelling that scent of her he likes
Sorrow fills the wells of his eyes
Hidden in the black of night
He turns to shun her outta his life
For she'll never Love the beast, just the man inside
N he can't Love her becuz of the fright of a sight
Waking up, bloody mess, her body dismembered
From left to right
He stares vengefully at the moon howling his protest
For the unnatural has trumped over one of lifes greatest conquest........to travel damned n alone.....a merciless fate untold.......Peace
Eddie Merritt " wolfman in love contest " 10/6/11