Woman On the Beach
If you would but listen closely
You could hear her whisper his name.
This was their beach not long ago,
But it could never be the same.
It was just on that horizon -
The same point that she can still see.
He was so close to coming home
To a love that now cannot be.
A wedding dress hangs in silence.
The bouquet has wilted to brown.
Invitations lay on her desk
Untouched since his trawler went down.
The day was bright the sea was calm
'Til a rogue wave struck him abeam.
The boat was splintered - all was lost,
Perhaps just time for one faint scream.
He died in one hundred fathoms.
A lost soul that was never found.
She hears his laughter in each wave,
And thanks the Lord for that sound.
She may lose her mind one calm day.
If so it will be by the sea -
Or she may fall in love again
If Davey Jones will set her free.
For contest Tell Me A Story 2 for Brenda Chiri
Poem for photograph number 2, Woman On The Beach