Woman You Were Created For Man To Be Loved By Him
Genisis 2:18 says: "Now the Lord God said, it is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him".
Suitable as in you fit... Helper, one thats perfectly equipped.
See a woman is a gift from God to man and,
any gift from God is to be loved and cherished. Now this truth mankind must understand.
Your existence was predestined to be for, who is that "he", your other.
See, you are both being prepared by life for one another.
And although the seperate lives you've lived and, most precious parts of yourselves you'd give to, those who said they did but didnt love you... God knew.
Knew that your love for God assured that everything would workout for your good, so there is a man set aside
to be that example of Gods unconditional love in your life, with whom together as one you you were meant to strive.
Blessed with love. Unconditional one sided love, if infact its love inwhich you believe. Now woman dont be naive.
Just as true love cant be held onto it must be given, the same says it cant be taken, it must be recieved.
See theres a fragrance that true love gives off when the mind and the heart of man is combined, and the love of God opens the spiritual eyes of those men that were forever blind.
And immediately his past belief in that unholy trinity of "me myself and I"... goes bye bye.
And the desire to express in actions his love for you is supernaturally enhanced,
and he combines imagination and creativity with chance.
Because he's overcome with the fragrance of love that is... romance.
And such a man is yours woman, you were created to be loved by him so dont you worry, God got you one.
With a love for you in his heart like the love described in chapter 7 versus 6 to 9 of the Song of Solomon...
Such a love could only be created by a God with a perfect plan
that would encase the substance of His very being; Love... in the hearts of man.
And woman your role was designed from the very beginning by a God that does nothing, nothing on a whim.
So remember woman and never forget,
"You"... Were Created For Man, To Be Loved By Him