Wondering Thoughts
Wondering Thoughts
There comes a time in one's life when you truly know what your truth is.
Your true desire, intentions, aspirations, and heart.
No more unyielding thoughts of past episode's that hurt from afar.
No more inability to find or define love as if its stuck in a jar.
You get to a place, where your mind, body, and soul pushes you in a single direction.
A place where you truly want to give all that you have, your heart and your love.
If it's not about this key element, then why be untrue to you? Why be untrue to another?
Dragging on the unethical social status of what perhaps, most seem to do.
Be your true self, Seek love as if you know its at your fingertips. As if you know you can obtain it. For if you walk in the realm of deceit, then whom are you truly hurting. With all your cruel intentions and endless flirting. Whom is that person that shall feel defeat, in the end?
So, If you truly want what you never had. Then seek your version of your true self. To achieve that notion that love is there for you. Just obtain it through and